Accessibility issue 07 - Missing notifications

# Description

There is an issue throughout both sections with regards to the notification of an action. When users with cognitive impairments or indeed screen reader users carry out an action, they expect to be told if that action was successful or not. That is not the case within this website, for example a user has selected the copy link buttons in the invite a contributor section. They link our action link but are not told of any success.

Screenshot of the invite contributor page, it includes a text box with a link and a button with the text Copy link

# Action Required

  • Provide notification that an action has occurred.

# Proposed solution:

When users click the Copy link button, it will change its colour from green to yellow. The text in the button will also change from Copy link to Link copied and will remain that way until the page is refreshed.

Screenshot of the invite contributor page, it includes a text box with a link and a button with the text Link copied

See this component in action
Prototype: Copy link button
Username: apply
Password: 2become

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